Friday, April 17, 2009

Ouch...getting older is fun

Great fun first thing this morning, even before I had my coffee.
OB/Gyn Dr. ordered blood test to 
check my hormone levels, ah, the joys of aging.
Thank goodness, I had a kind gentle Phlebotomist who took 
my blood and was done before I even knew she had stuck me. 
 I am extremely squeamish and have been known 
to pass out while watching an episode of ER.


Karen said...

Wow, last time I went to my GYN, I had to do the same thing! I too am very squeamish. When Saving Private Ryan came out, friends of mine told me that the only real bad part of the movie was the first scene (like 15 mins. or so). So, I trusted them and my husband & I went and saw the movie...I covered my eyes as much and as many times as I could...I mamanged to get through most of the movie, but there was a point at which one of the men got shot and blood was bubbling out of his stomach...I told my husband promptly, "We need to leave!" He said, "Now?!?"...I said, "No, Give me a minute.", and promptly leaned over and put my head between my legs for 2 minutes. I was okay and we left the theater! Now, even talking about it sometimes I get a little light-headed.

I SO understand where you are coming from. My hormone levels were off as well. We changed my Birth Control pills, and I'm fine now.

I'm Grace said...

Karen, I passed out at the following movies (all of them at the theatre with friends: Coma,
Seven and Private Rayan. I try to only see comedies.
Hopefully, this blood test will tell that dr that I no longer need my BC pills.

Karen said...

That would be so nice! I'll be praying for you. :)


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